Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Prostate Enlargement


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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Free BMD (Bone Mass Density) Test

Date: July 15th 2018

Free BMD Test was organized at Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital through Torrent Pharmaceuticals today. We have targeted around 170 patients to be tested, and till now almost 100 tests have been done.
This is the first time that Dr. Iwamura Hospital had done such kind of tests in the hospital premises.
Torrent Pharmaceuticals had promised us to come back in 2 months time for a follow up tests for those patients who are below the border line in the tests.

Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital is thankful for the team for organizing such events in the hospital.


About Iwamura Memorial Hospital

About Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital

Late Dr. Noboru Iwamura was the first Japanese Volunteer to come to Nepal under the UMN Program. He served selflessly in different parts of Nepal including Bhaktapur for over 22 years. Dr. Iwamura was a hope for the people suffering from Tuberculosis. He spread the message that TB can be cured and he cured many with his portable X-ray machine that he used to carry along with him. His untiring dedication towards the poor and deprived population of remote villages who suffered from Tuberculosis laid foundation for development of facilities for Chest Medicine in Nepal. He played key roll in establishing Tuberculosis Hospital, Palpa Mission Hospital, the National Tuberculosis Centre and SAARC Tuberculosis Centre.

Born in Japan on the 26th of May, 1927 and a survivor of the Hirosima Bombing of 1945, Dr. Iwamura died at the age of 78, on 27th of November, 2005 due to Blood Cancer.

In memory of this great personality, Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital was established in Bhaktapur in 1998 and started its operation in 2001. Since January, 2005, local community people participated in this Hospital as the main stakeholders and took over the management. Since then the Hospital is continuously progressing and expanding its facilities providing reliable and affordable medical services to the community people.
